NOVEMBER 30, 2024

In 1902, Mr. John Taylor Cochrane purchased some land on which the City of Aliceville now sits. He had the land surveyed into lots, blocks, and streets that were laid out in an orderly plan. He was also one of the organizers of the town’s first bank, Aliceville Bank and Trust, and served as its first president. The new town was then incorporated as a municipality of the State of Alabama on March 18, 1907.
Terrence E. Windham
District 1 - Councilman Thomas Fitzgerald Wilkins
District 2 - Councilwoman Tayla Ball
District 3 - Councilman Christopher Lewis
District 4 - Councilman Robert Wilder
District 5 - Councilwoman Rebecca Gilliam
Aliceville has a quality elementary and high school in the Pickens County school system. While academics is always the primary focus, as statistically the two schools rank amongst the top in the county, our citizens love cheering on the all Yellow Jacket athletic teams each year in the fall spring and fall semesters. The mission statement for Aliceville High School is "Inspiring ethical child at a time."
The construction of Camp Aliceville began in August 1942 and was completed by December. The camp began receiving German POWs, at first mostly from Erwin Rommel's Afrika Corps, in June 1943. It comprised 400 wood-frame barracks, which could hold as many as 6,000 prisoners and 900 Army personnel. Aliceville was the largest of the eleven POW camps in the Southeastern U.S. By the end of the war Camp Aliceville held German prisoners captured in many different locations. September 30, 1945. The camp was dismantled and sold for scrap after the war, and its only remaining trace is an old stone chimney.
The Aliceville Area Chamber of Commerce was organized in 1924 with the goal of fostering growth and well-being to industrial, agricultural and overall commercial interests of Aliceville and surrounding areas. We strive to promote the civic, economic and social welfare of the citizens of the Aliceville Area.
Grand Opening of DG Market! July 2024
High School Volunteers Planting Around Aliceville